Thursday, July 23, 2009

Days 16, 17, 18

Still no pictures of G......... did receive a letter yesterday that said "hey mom- gotta go cause I'm late for church" while Wix has received several letters with lengthy messages, jokes, little drawings, and much more personality...... grrrrrr!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Days 14 and 15

No pictures of Georgia the last couple of days....... I hope she isn't sick again. Georgia has been a little more homesick this year. :(

Day 13

Overnight trip

Day 12

Emma and Georgia

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 11

Georgia and her counselor, Sarah

The pics looked like it was "counselor hunt"..... so much fun!

Day 9- Rainy Sunday

Georgia is getting in plenty of rope swing time!!

Day 8- OLYMPICS!!!

From the pictures, it seems Creek tribe brought home the gold, Cherokee silver, and Chickasaws bronze....... Here is Georgia in a serious game of "over-under".

Camp Desoto- days 6 and 7

Georgia was sick in the infirmary with the stomach bug and ran fever for over 24 hours :(....... Must be why she didn't show up in any pictures days 6 and 7. Looks like she is feeling much better now!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 5- Kickball???

Looks like a Chickasaw cheer!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 3 at Camp Desoto

Georgia is obviously having a BLAST!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ice Age 3 in 3D

Georgia and I went to see the movie before she left for camp.

Georgia is off to Camp Desoto!!

Georgia is at Camp Desoto through July 29th!!! She was so excited to arrive this past Saturday. Her 2 counselors are Sarah and Mary Cam.